lodge of instruction & lodge mentor

Lodge of Instruction

The Grace Dieu Lodge of Instruction was constituted in 1975, and is open to all Master Masons, both members of Grace Dieu Lodge and of other Masonic Lodges. The Lodge of Instruction meets at Freemasons Hall Park Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3AF, on the fourth Thursday in the months of October, November, February, March and April, usually at 7:30pm.

Lodge of Instruction and consists of less formal meetings held at regular intervals throughout the year in order to learn the ritual and masonic protocol. This is where the ritual becomes familiar, the meaning of obscure passages explained, and where questions can be answered. It is a good opportunity to gain a progressive learning of the ritual and rehearse forthcoming ceremonies.

Above all, Lodge of Instruction provides an opportunity to meet fellow Lodge members in a relaxed environment becoming more acquainted with each other and forge friendships, developing teamwork and camaraderie. Many Masonic friendships develop through these meetings. Lodge of Instruction makes all the difference whilst the words of the ritual should be learned at home, regular attendance at Lodge of Instruction with the opportunity to practice and rehearse builds knowledge, confidence and skill and enables us to give candidates the most meaningful experience during the ceremonies.

The Lodge of Instruction is the life blood of the Lodge and all current and future Officers and Masters are strongly encouraged to attend, giving an opportunity to practice the work for the ceremonies and enabling new Brethren rapidly to feel part of the Lodge. Our object is to learn the ritual, whilst putting it into practice and above all, to enjoy ourselves whilst doing so, this being our main aim.

Lodge of Instruction Preceptor: W Bro Russell Hemstock

Lodge Mentor

The Lodge Mentor is a relatively new ‘Additional’ office and is regarded as being of great importance in ensuring that every new mason, or indeed brother, becomes involved in his Lodge and gains an understanding of Freemasonry so he can enjoy his Masonry and be able to talk confidently and competently about it to his family and friends.

The whole purpose of Mentoring is to ensure all Masons within each Craft Lodge in the Province are cared for, supported, informed, nurtured and encouraged so that they receive maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in Freemasonry. Every new Mason in the Grace Dieu Lodge is assigned a dedicated Mentor to help do this and the Lodge has a highly experienced Lodge Mentor Coordinator.

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