The Quasquicentennial festival of Grace Dieu was held at the 1,141st regular meeting on Thursday 16th November 2017.

Brethren were honored to receive the Provincial Grand Master, R. W. Bro. David Hagger, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V. W. Bro Jim Buckle, and the rest of the Provincial Officers present. More than 80 Brethren were in attendance to witness this historical milestone including a large contingent of Brethren from the Leicestershire & Rutland Light Blue Club on their first official visit to both Grace Dieu Lodge and Coalville Masonic centre.

Worshipful Master W. Bro. Brian Morris PPAGDC, Officers and Brethren of Grace Dieu Lodge treated visitors and guests to a superbly executed first degree ceremony with an exemplary example and delivery of the “Ancient Charge” by Bro. Paul Gregory, Junior Warden and before the Lodge was closed W. Bro. Clive Watts, Secretary gave a superb Oration on the Founding of Grace Dieu Lodge No 2428

Grace Dieu Lodge, No. 2428 was Consecrated on Wednesday 16th November 1892 by The Right Hon. The Earl Ferrers, R. W. Prov. Grand Master. The Grace Dieu Lodge was formed with fourteen founder members, W. Bro. The Hon. Paulyn Rawdon-Hastings being installed as first Worshipful Master. The petition to consecrate a new lodge had followed a meeting of brethren from the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge, No. 778 who had recognised the need for a new Lodge in the Coalville area having seen such growth in the town with the expansion of the mining industry and a growing interest in Freemasonry in the area.

After the meeting was closed, more than 80 Brethren sat down in the humble setting of Coalville Masonic Centre and enjoyed a superb and jovial Festive Board where the New Initiate, visitors and guests were made to feel very welcome indeed!

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